Since I’ve acknowledged the fact that I’m still considered a captive - here n America, I’m no longer misled n the struggle & danger that still exist. Though Family would fail n areas n their life, & @ times - my input meant/means nothing 2 them, I accept being judged as an outcast.
I've always thought that if I FAIL n an area n my life, it would b foolish 2 ignore a way 2 PASS - only because I “feel” that the advisers input don’t mean anything.
I'm - NOT of Man - 2 - Judge: & I don't make the young-generation feel bad about their input, because, 4 with what judgment u judge, u shall b judged: & with what measure u give, it shall b measured 2 u again. (M 7-1-2)
Technically speaking, I’ve heard some older peoples input which made no since. So, why would a person ignore the truth when it’s proven by the young-people, but pay close attention 2 a Judge n a Court-of-Law when he/she speaks? I like 2 keep a close eye on young-people, & I believe that God will do the rest.
Many people have many questions, but when some people r given an answer, they never show that they’ve accepted it, they just ask another question. So I study the depths of young-people by seeking out their positive talent(s) & push them 2 b that-they-r, because, as an elder I feel that I hold some responsible.
NOTE: I say these words 4 this page because no 1 person's whole-life/religion and reality can b told completely. So, hear the 'young' out when they speak, maybe then, they won’t break the barrier when it comes 2 preparing them n-order-that society may accept them.
– Milton Somerville, aka: The Real-Realist