These words, Milton did write. While family-members / people n general running around franticly declaring them-selves 2 b Children-of-God, but r only examples of a client representing himself n a court-of-Law, I feel that such-a-people r 1 of the many reasons God gave me the knowledge 2 write so expressly. I wanted 2 share with the masses my outlook on this-type: & expose there ignorance n-order-that it may help the next person 2 NOT fall victim 2 it: & 1 may decide 2 challenge my expressions when I write, but I must warn u that b4 u do, u must know that these writings r my true testimonies.
Only those that don’t know & r NOT sure, will challenge what God brings a person out of! Some-times people will NOT accept u regardless of what / who u r! I've known such people 4 2 long: & my writings will show u how family-members & people n general, have joined the people that challenges an answer after hearing what another person has brought 4th: but remember, the challenger never teaches, the challenger only quarrels.
– Milton Somerville, aka: The Real-Realist
How To Purchase @ ANYTIME
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Call: (901) 581-1870 & ask 4 Author, Milton Somerville.
On the 1st-Monday of every month u will have an opportunity 2 meet Author Milton Somerville, aka: The Real-Realist @ a Church / College near u. He will b greeting the believers after service n-order-that they get an opportunity 2 purchase his inspiring books.
July 7, 2014,
August 4, 2014,
September 1, 2014,
October 6, 2014,
November 3, 2014,
December 1, 2014,
January 5, 2015,
Feburary 2, 2015,
March 2, 2015,
April 6, 2015,
May 4, 2015,
June 1, 2015,
For more information, call (901) 581-1870
Book Signings
On the 1st-Sunday of every month u will have an opportunity 2 meet Author Milton Somerville, aka: The Real-Realist @ a Library / Bookstore near u. He will b greeting inquiring minds b4 entering / after exiting the branch n-order-that they get an opportunity 2 purchase his inspiring books.
July 6, 2014,
August 3, 2014,
September 7, 2014,
October 5, 2014,
November 2, 2014,
December 7, 2014,
January 4, 2015,
Feburary 1, 2015,
March 1, 2015,
April 5, 2015,
May 3, 2015,
June 7, 2015,
For more information, call (901) 581-1870